Friday, November 14, 2008

Spirit Day

So I picked Donovan up on Thursday to spend the weekend and he asks me if I have any rings he can borrow. Strange request.... he says it is spirit day at school tomorrow and he needs to bring rings or a necklace or bracelet to school to celebrate. Not really sure what jewelry has to do with spirit day but we have a giant box of beads left from my jewelry making days and so I told him we could make a necklace. We had fun picking out the beads and making a pattern. He helped me string the beads and he was very happy with the finished product!! We had to take a picture and email it to Ken because he was so proud of his work :)


WheelersFamily said...

What a hip Mom!

Destini said...

That is too cute! I am glad that you are being able to spend time with him. Hope that continues!!

Shannon said...

OH your such a good mama!