Friday, October 17, 2008

Army Strong!

So Ken is leaving for the first leg of his training tomorrow. It was really sad watching him pack everything to get ready. He had to take it all to camp Williams today to get it all checked. I am sad he is leaving but it is only until Halloween so I get to ease into him being gone. So I was sat watching Ken pack and saw his bullet proof vest. So I decided I wanted to know what it felt like for Ken. So I suited up and I felt like I was going to fall over!! When I put the helmet on I could hardly hold my head up. But we were laughing and then Ken started using me as a punching bag. It didn't hurt at all but nearly knocked me over a few times. :)


Tiffany said...

You look great! Hey are those Northern clothes? I'm so sorry that he is leaving. Only until Halloween isn't horrible though! Hang in there & if you need a sympathetic ear (or shoulder)...let me know!! BE SAFE KEN & enjoy playing soldier!!

Destini said...

You make a great looking soldier. Too funny! Keep the laughs up it will help hold back the tears. Have a great time Ken!